Audible Start Listening

Satisfying our intellectual cravings through listening instead of scrolling.


Audible can satisfy that curiosity for whatever you're interested in, from relationships, and career advice to spiritual journeys and self improvement. Audible is answering the questions we have but never ask with audiobooks that satisfy your curiosities.

Process Deck

ROLE: Art Direction
Out of Home, Print, Ideation
May 2020

Cara Cannone, Anika Grube & Emily Galvelis


In April, our group of four was sent from New York back to our respective homes, and our collaboration was put on hold to prioritize our health and safety. When we started our collaboration back up, we recognized that right now the world is full of uncertainties and many are stuck at home returning to mindless scrolling as a form of escape. It’s hard for brands to take a stance right now without seeming ingenuine, so we decided to use this insight in our Audible campaign called, Start Listening.

Next Project

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